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Joining Carleton Connections and Arise Work From Home

The initial training to join Arise Work From Home is around three weeks depending on your chosen account.  It might seem a lot, and I thought that too, but now over a year later I am so glad I took that first step and committed to learning the way Arise works . 

The training is a great opportunity to learn the system inside out before being let loose with customers, and is conducted using group training sessions, self paced learning and one to one time with tutors.  This focus on ensuring I was equipped with the skills needed to be a success proved to me that the Arise platform was right for me, and that they were committed to investing in me as a person, which really settled any previous doubts I had about joining Arise Work From Home

Have a look, and register with us at and get ready for that next opportunity.

 I am here to answer any questions, just drop me an email or text or give me a call. I certainly had that same niggling doubt at the start too.  One thing I can guarantee - if I don’t know the answer to your questions I will find out!


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