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Showing posts from February, 2021

Happy Valentines Day

  We came across this quote, and thought it quite fitting for this day, in these times.  So however you are spending today, remember,  “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” - Buddha  and have a very Happy Valentines Day everyone, from Carleton Connections Ltd 😍

Do I enjoy what I do, and would I register and train all over again?

Hey all, I hope you are all keeping safe and warm in this wintry weather!  I was asked today by a potential new agent the question, "Do you enjoy what you do, and would you sign up again given the chance?" To this, I was able to give an easy answer: "Yes I do, and yes I would 😀" OK, so you might be thinking obviously she would say this, but I can back this up with a few reasons and some may be relevant to you, if you're thinking of getting in touch and still aren't sure. Now, if you asked me "Is your job perfect and do you ever have any problems?"  Then my answer would have to be, "No it isn't, and yes I do" , but I don't think anyone can hand on heart say that they are in a perfect work situation. I wanted to answer my new agents questions here so that you could see them, and hopefully it will help someone else make a decision that I honestly think is a massive step to making work work for you . Customer service can throw up a...